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Sunday, April 7, 2013

How to Change the Windows Phone Marketplace Region

One of the disadvantages of being the country with the 'achievements' as a pirate state application is made ​​paranoid of the outside developers to sell in Indonesia. Impacts are many applications of Windows Phone just is not available in the Marketplace with the region Singapore, one of the developers of the applications just are reluctant to open up their applications on the market Singapuraadalah Liquid Daffodil.

After dirilisinya OS but Windows Phone 8, the problem can be slightly resolved, because in Windows Phone 8, replacing the region Marketplace can be done easily. So we can still download applications cool Windows Phone Marketplace is not available in Singapore.

To replace the Windows Phone Marketplace region, follow these steps: Go to Settings -> System (scroll down) -> region + language. At the option 'Country / Region' select the region you want, for example 'United Kingdom'. After that tap the button 'Reset'. Device will restart. If it is on normal, try to open the Marketplace / Store and look for applications that do not exist in Indonesia Marketplace, eg WordPress or Paypal and try to download. Managed it?!

Unfortunately, how to change Marketplace region like this has the disadvantage, that we are not able to download paid applications for payment systems require the credit card address must be the same as the Rochester region in which we live. But for a free app, this is not an issue.


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